How Do You Find Values in Life? (NIT, Matsue College)
script→ H28presentation_MATSUE.doc video→P01Matse.mp4
Mr. Picto (NIT, Kisarazu College)
script→ H28presentation_KISARAZU.doc video→P02Kisarazu.mp4
Light Tomorrow with Today. (NIT, Fukui College)
script→H28presentation_Fukui.doc video→P03Fukui.mp4
Recognize, Engage, and Circulate to Preserve Our Home (NIT, Ishikawa College)
script→H28presentation_Ishikawa.doc video→P04Ishikawa.mp4
How about Trying Something New for 30 Days? (NIT, Kagoshima College)
script→H28presentation_Kagoshima.doc video→P05Kagoshima.mp4
Technology to Create Smiling Faces---the True Kosen Mission (Salesian Polytechnic)
script→H28presentation_salesian.doc video→P06Salesian.mp4
Designing a Better Bike-Parking System (NIT, Ube College)
script→H28presentation_Ube.doc video→P07Ube.mp4
The True Hearts of the Kosen Students (NIT, Nara College)
script→H28presentation_Nara.docx video→P08Nara.mp4
Dolphins, AI and TherapyTherapy, and Artificial Intelligence (NIT, Wakayama College)
script→H28presentation_Wakayama.doc video→P09Wakayama.mp4
Let’s win the sympathy! It’s the best way to realize our dreams! (NIT, Kure College)
script→H28presentation_Kure.doc video→P10Kure.mp4
Guest Presentation
video→Guest Presentation.mp4