
発表順 氏名(校名) 発表タイトル
1 後藤 麻希
Trying Something New Makes a New Dot
2 市  尚都
My Engineering Dream
3 若生 倫太郎
My Opinion about Bullying
4 立石  理
"You have to ~?" or "You want to ~?"
5 瀧田 祐太
6 村上 恵実
My Goal as a Woman in Civil Engineering
7 大辻 彩加
Close Yet Far
8 佐々木 汐音
Theater Leading Me To a New Stage
9 井上 雅貴
A Frog in a Well
10 和田 悠希
Bocchi's World
11 内藤 柚菜
I'm going to be an engineer! Why should that surprise many people?
12 西川 ちひろ
Go, Go Rikejo!
13 本田  歩
14 中島 直道
Missing Pieces for the Student Council
15 秦  直輝
A Volunteer Can Change The World!
16 豊島 果恋
The Most Important Thing to Become Good Ambassadors