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Make Your Kosen Life Best!

Tokyo National College of Technology

K: First of all, we have a question.
Do you regret anything?
M: I should have worn the other socks.
Y: I should have said something different to her at that time.
Y: I should have taken a different class.
M: I should have chosen a
A: different school.

M: Above all, we often hear this:
Y:“Why did I choose to go to Kosen?”
M: This is a really sad thing to say even though you're already in Kosen.
When I asked my classmates, more than 70% of the students said that they had regretted becoming a Kosen student. To tell you the truth, we also had regretted being a Kosen student before.
K: But now, we no longer regret it. We are glad and thankful that we are Kosen students. There are many things that you can complain about Kosen: busy schedule, boring events, too many boys but only a few girls, and its location in deserted countryside. Despite these unappealing aspects, we're now able to enjoy the Kosen life.

Y: Today, we're going to talk about what you should do to become positive like this.
Let us tell you the conclusion first. All comes down to these words. It's very simple.
A: “Be active”.
Y: This is the only message that we want to tell you today.
Simple, isn't it?
K: We are going to explain why “Be active” is useful as logically as possible, because we are Kosen students!

Y: Now, what exactly are regrets?
Can you regret something that MAY happen in the future? Can you regret, like, “what will happen tomorrow?” You cannot tell anything about your future. That is, you cannot regret things that may happen in the future. You can only regret what we did in the past when you look back.

M: Then, what does “looking back” mean?
This is a message Steve Jobs made in his speech.
K: “You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future”.
M: It is known as “Connecting the dots”.
He taught us that the dots are the choices we make. You may not know what meaning and value your choices have at first, but later on, when you look back on your past, you will come to know of the meaning and the value clearly.
If you believe his words, you can have enough confidence and follow your inner voice.

Y: But, there is something that Jobs did not mention in his speech.
Do you think, every, single dot will be connected in the end?
When will it happen, and how?
He said nothing about that.
K: Here, we have an answer.
“Connecting the dots” works if you're satisfied with your current situation. Think about yourself.
If you're happy right now, then you can say,
M: “The choice I made was a good one. Because of the choice I made in the past, I'm able to be here being happy.”
K: On the other hand, if you're not happy right now, then you might say,
Y: “Why did I make that choice? I made that choice, and now I have to suffer like this.”
K: So, it's reasonable to say that whether you appreciate the choice you made or not heavily depends on your current situations.
If you're happy now and satisfied, then you think the path took was right.

Y: Now the question is, how we can change the current situation.
There are two things to do this.
We call them “passive changes” and “active changes”
K: With passive changes, you're just an acceptor.
You can't control it. You don't know when they'll happen.
If you're looking for these passive changes, you have to wait until they happen.
Active changes are different, and you're the very person to let them happen.
So you can make active changes anytime you want.

M; The important point is; In order to make a change on your life, you have two options to do it.
Be passive or be active.
And if you choose to be active, you can make the change happen on your own!

I think it's useless to be passive and just to wait for an opportunity to come when you really want to change your life.
You should take some actions.

K: We asked those students who had regretted becoming a Kosen student, “Are you willing to take part in school events?” And we observed an intriguing result.
Only 50% of still-regretting students said yes, while more than 80% of not-regretting ones said yes. From this data, we assumed that active students are more likely to enjoy a school life than inactive students.

Y: Here is an example.
When I was in the first and second year, I didn't participate in any activities at school festival.
I thought it was not cool to join those activities and I wasn't able to enjoy the event.
But in the third year, I tried to help it out willingly, and sold churros there.
I had to work really hard to prepare for the store, but the enjoyment I got was way bigger than the previous years.

M: The point is, that he became active and made an action!
By this action, he was able to gain the enjoyment like this.

But still, you may ask yourself;
“Wait a second”. What would I do if I take some actions and they go wrong?? Will I be happy? Probably not.
You will be disappointed when things do not turn out as you expected.
But, how about seeing this from a different point of view.

K: When I hang around in town, I sometimes talk to people from other countries. I want to have a friendly conversation with them. But things don't always go as what I expect.
They look at me as if I were a weirdo, or they just say “not now” and ignore me.
I understand they have their reasons but even so, it makes me sad.
But if I think differently, it's not that bad.
I failed to have a friendly conversation, but still I was able to get up courage and improve my communication skills.
Even if you couldn't get what you wanted, you can still get something different.

M: The point is, even when you fail to gain what you want, if you look at it from a different point of view, you get something different.
You can learn something from what you do.
So, to be active is useful and powerful indeed.

Y: What we want to tell you today is really simple.
All comes down to this.

Be active.

The fact that we are taking part in this contest is the very example of becoming active.
It doesn't matter whether we can get a prize or not.
What we've gained the most from this is, significant improvements in our minds along the way we prepared for today. There's nothing greater than this.

K: We hope your life to be a better one.
A: “Be active”!