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Kosen Girls, Be Ambitious!

Numazu National College of Technology

G2: Japan is going through a period of change. A change that is a dramatic step forward for our society as a whole.
G1: We are referring to gender equality in the workplace, and as young women about to enter the workforce, this issue is pertinent for us.
B: This progress is finally becoming more and more visible. Are you aware that the employment rate of females is higher than that of males among junior colleges, universities, and Kosen graduates?
G2: Did you know that the Nissan “Note”, and Kirin Brewery's “Kirinfree” were developed mainly by women?
G1:The Nissan “Note” was designed by Ms. Minakuchi, a mother who understands what is necessary for raising and caring for a family. Being a homemaker allowed her to realize that mothers need a rear door that can open wide.
G2: Ms. Kajiwara developed a non-alcoholic beverage “Kirinfree.” She realized that expectant mothers also enjoy socializing even while pregnant. Not to mention it can be enjoyed by designated drivers.
B: Perhaps you are wondering why women are more employable in today's workforce. In the next 9 minutes, we would like to focus on “Kosen Girls” and share with you the reasons why we believe this is so. So, let's get started.

G2: After much thought we have come to the conclusion that Kosen girls will acquire the “technical skills,” “communication skills” and “leadership skills” to make a contribution to society.
B:Of course boys will acquire these same skills, but we will focus on how gender diversity can bring about certain advantages for Kosen girls.
G1:In particular, we feel that it is the female sensitivity and attention to subtleties that give us an advantage. Remember the “Note” and “Kirin Free?” These products were developed from the viewpoint of child rearing, pregnancy, and household affairs.
G2:Women have the ability to consider items that aid women in their daily life. We can develop the skills to create such products at Kosen. “Kosen Girls” have an eye for the female market, so we believe they also have an edge!
G1:As we mentioned, the employment rate for females is now higher than that of boys among Kosen, university, and junior college graduates. How do we account for this trend? We feel that it is our technical skills with the female sensibility toward untapped markets.

B:Given this fact, we feel that there are even more reasons for the general growth in the strength of women in the workforce. Now we would like to touch upon 2 others.
G1:I think it is safe to say that women tend to communicate more readily than men. And as we are a minority in numbers at Kosen, we live, study, and learn in an environment where interacting with the male majority is necessary. We learn to negotiate and communicate our ideas with our female peers and with our male counterparts. This will be very helpful as we venture into the workforce.
G2:Dormitory life also adds to our communication skillset, as it is necessary to interact with students of varying ages and values.
B:To illustrate this point, the Attex's “Rurudo Massage Cushion” was developed by a team of three women. They reported that the key to their success was the “level of communication” that arose as a result of the equality in the relationship among them.

B. Now, for our last point of interest, we will look at leadership roles fostered within the Kosen environment.
G2:Our numbers are still low in comparison to males. Females fill all of the leadership roles that males do in a much smaller population. This allows Kosen Girls to have many more opportunities to be in a leadership role. Such leadership positions include dormitory leaders, club assistants, class leaders and so on.
G1:In fact G2 and I are proud to say that we were the leaders of the girls' dormitory last year.
G2:As a leader, we had many opportunities to speak one on one. We noticed that our ability to listen increased tremendously. In fact, like in all positions of responsibility, we were initially intimidated. In retrospect, the wise words of Eleanor Roosevelt ring true: that “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
B:Considering the technical, communication, and leadership skills that can be acquired, it is clear that there are many more opportunities for women now than in previous years.
G1: Our future lies ahead, bigger and brighter than ever before!!
G2: By now there should be no surprise as to why we are known as “Kira Kira Kosen Girls”!!

B:But one question remains to be answered. If indeed women have certain advantages in the workforce, why is it that the number of working women is small?
B:In this graph we can see that the female employment rate goes down sharply at around 30 years of age. About 50% of women keep working as an engineer. 60% of Japanese women retire after having their first child.
G2:On this issue, we have to consider the problems of the social system when it comes to raising children in Japan. I look forward to the day when there are more childcare leaves and nursery schools. I look forward to the day when I can make a comeback to the workforce after I get married and have a baby. Given this chance, I look forward to the day when I can engineer products to make the life of women more comfortable.
B:To bring up another point of reality, according to this graph, there are still a certain segment of men who want their wife to be a full-time homemaker.
G1:I can see how some men may still feel this way. But I want to make good use of the knowledge gained here at Kosen. I want a satisfying career as well as a happy marriage.
G2:And so you should. We have seen how a more gender-balanced workforce can foster new creative ideas from the viewpoint of a homemaker and mother.
G1: As Kosen girls, we want to work with balance, pride and ambition.
B: And that is the mark of a true modern professional, and the mark of today's Kosen graduate!

G2:We are all thankful for what our Kosen experience has provided us with. We have been given the opportunity to hone our technical skills at a leading institution, we have been encouraged to improve our ability to communicate with others, and we have been challenged to lead others.
G1:With these advantages, we will continue to improve our society.
G2:In order to do so, we will remain positive about an even better future and make each day count.
G1:We know that each of us has a chance to pursue a fulfilling life.
B:On behalf of the male population, may we all work toward a future where men and women work equally side by side, creating a better world for generations to come!
G2: In closing, we would like to leave you with a simple message that will serve as a rallying cry for the changes we see on the horizon.
B: Kosen Girls…
G1 G2: Be ambitious!!